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Football Reel 

This video demonstrates the process of how I would create a Motion Capture animation from a real life reference video. Running the Mocap Studio as a producer as well acting out two of the three characters in the scene. Then bringing the shots into Motion builder to create ready animations for engine. For this example I wanted to recrate a Quarterback play action then a chop block from a Halfback on a blitzing Linebacker



Capstone Animation 

This video demonstrates the process of how I would create a Motion Capture animation from the ground up. Starting from capturing the real-time data in Shogun Live and then importing it into Shogun Post for further processing. From there I export the file and import it into Motion Builder where I then Clean and Characterize it. I then would open a new Motion builder file with an existing mesh and import the Cleaned and Characterized data onto it. Now that the animation is driving the movements of the mesh I can refine the animation to achieve the desired result. From there I will export the motion file and bring that into Unreal Engine.  



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